What if humans never developed language?

Our growth and progress as a species would have been significantly affected if humans had never learned to speak. Human communication relies heavily on language, which enables humans to coordinate actions, communicate knowledge, and create complex societies. Humans may have communicated more through nonverbal cues like gestures and facial expressions if they hadn’t developed language. … Read more

What if Napoleon won the war ?

Between the years of 1792 and 1815, a series of wars in the name of great emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte were fought. He led France during this time and engaged in conflict with other European nations in an effort to consolidate its control over all of the sub – continent . The path of … Read more

Human curiosity

All of evolution followed through the survival and counter intelligent species trying to find a place and share of the resources of the planet for the distribution of their progeny. Then a miracle happened for monkeys and a branch of species came through called Homo – Sapiens whose brain structure formed such chemical bonds to … Read more

Mother’s day : Explained

Mother’s Day has its roots in ancient cultures when a mother deity in various guises was honoured. While the Romans honoured Cybele, the mother goddess, the ancient Greeks worshipped Rhea, the mother of the gods. Mothering Sunday was observed in the early Christian church as a day to honour the Virgin Mary and all mothers. … Read more

The Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality

An intricate and broad subject of study, gender and sexuality philosophy examines issues with identity, biology, culture, and power. Recent social movements across the globe have questioned established gender and sexual norms as well as recent scientific advancements that have cast doubt on long-held notions of sex and gender have all contributed to its growing … Read more

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

The practise of mindfulness and meditation has grown in popularity recently as a means of enhancing both mental and physical health. Being present in the moment without passing judgement or being distracted is the goal of the meditation technique known as mindfulness. If we consider the fact that mindfulness has been practised for thousands of … Read more

The Neuroscience of Social Interaction

It’s not an unknown fact that humans are social creatures and social interaction is an integral part of everyday life. Even though some of them refer to themselves as introverts it is not possible to sustain one’s mind without a social belonging. Our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are greatly influenced by our social interactions, from … Read more

Western vs Eastern Philosophy

Philosophy has been around there for about more than a hundred years as many traditions and schools of thought have developed over the years. The difference between Western and Eastern philosophical tradition is one of the most fundamental. Different ways of understanding the universe and human experience are the result of the autonomous development of … Read more

National Teacher’s Day

In the United States, National Teacher’s Day is observed on the Tuesday of the first full week in May. It is a day set aside to appreciate and recognise teachers’ contributions to society and the crucial role they play in determining how people will live their lives and how the rest of the world will … Read more

Star wars day

Every year on May 4, Star Wars Day is a much-loved celebration among followers of the enduring science fiction series. The occasion for fans to assemble and share their passion of the Star Wars world has grown into a cultural phenomenon. But what is Star Wars Day precisely, and how did it start? Star Wars … Read more